FalcoGamma pyöräkatokset
Koti Tuotteet Katokset ja sääsuojat Pyöräkatokset FalcoGamma pyöräkatokset

A design characteristic for the FalcoGamma Hi is the central column that evolves into two upward facing branches. The name Gamma was chosen because, when viewed from the side, the shape of the structure looks like the Greek letter gamma and underlines the design statement that we wanted to make with this new shelter. The FalcoGamma Hi is available in both double sided and single sided versions.
Construction shelter
The shelter, with bowed styling, is clad with 4mm thick, robust clear polycarbonate sheets. The height of the FalcoGamma Hi is 2.10m, the depth for the single sided shelter is 1.91m and the depth for a double sided shelter is 3.70m, the free height under the gutter is 1.53m and length is 4.00m centre to centre between the stanchions.
The canopy can be mounted as a below ground fix or bolted down using a base plate that is bolted on to a concrete pad or prefab concrete blocks. The concrete block is 1400 x 250 x 315mm under the stanchion, smaller stanchions can be provided with prefab Falco concrete blocks.
This FalcoGamma Hi is an elegant addition to the constantly evolving Falco product line.
- Width: 4000 mm
- Depth: 1910 mm
- Height: 2180 mm
- Head height: 2100 mm
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