Koti Tuotteet Katokset ja sääsuojat Pyöräkatokset FalcoQuarter-S

Falco has received a number of requests from customers enquiring if it was possible to provide a shelter which can handle an increased snow load.
Falco has taken this feedback on board and enhanced our popular FalcoQuarter shelter with a more rigid design. This new variation known as the 'FalcoQuarter-S' has a maximum load capacity of 200kg per square meter.
The aesthetics of the FalcoQuarter-S are the same as the traditional FalcoQuarter; clad in robust polycarbonate. Together with the hot dip galvanised steel frame, the shelter is a substantial installation. Additionally the cycle shelter can be polyester powder coated in any of the 192 colours of the RAL register to match a scheme or corporate colour.
The FalcoQuarter is available in bays of 4 meters. The simple, transparent design lines mean that the shelter looks inconspicuous by blending in with any surrounding.
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