FalcoLinea penkki (teräs)
Koti Tuotteet Katu- ja puistokalusteet Istuimet FalcoLinea penkki (teräs)

The popular FalcoLinea series of seating is now available in galvanised steel to compliment its hardwood range. The FalcoLinea blends traditional materials with a refreshing design to provide architects with a range of co-ordinated street furniture options.
Building on the Falco heritage of robust welded steel street furniture, the FalcoLinea bench in steel is a design led seating system which is both affordable and stylish. From a single bench to punctuate a landscape to a continuous run for mass seating solutions - the Linea range is a very attractive series of seating.
Key Features FalcoLinea bench
- FalcoLinea bench manufactured from galvanised steel,
- with two leg supports,
- supplied with base plates for surface fix,
- bench length – 2070mm,
- bench width – 545mm,
- bench height – 450mm
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