FalcoSinus penkki
Koti Tuotteet Katu- ja puistokalusteet Modulaariset istuimet FalcoSinus penkki

Make this sofa a unique arrangement for your city centers, school yards and other outdoor areas. Hot-dip galvanized steel and hardwood; a very sustainable bench!
As a field organizer or manager public space you can create your own unique arrangement of street furniture. Bench with hardwooden slats and galvanized steel, optional powder coating in RAL color.
The sofa is available in various radii and angles allowing various configurations are possible.
Please contact our product consultant and discuss the possibilities of this bench for your (public) area.
For stable placement Falco recommends two concrete feet as a foundation per each bench segment.
Neuvonantajamme ovat valmiita neuvomaan sinua puhelimitse tai vierailun aikana. He lähettävät myös mielellään yksityiskohtaisia tietoja pyynnöstäsi.