Sheffield kaaritelineet
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Sheffield cycle stands are the most fundamental of cycle parking products. Two cycles can be secured, one on either side with a chain or cable lock. They are available with base plates for surface mounting or with longer legs for below ground fixing into concrete.
Additionally there are options for the Sheffield cycle stand to come with or without a cross strut. The Sheffield cycle stand is also manufactured in various sizes. Normally placed at 800mm intervals, Sheffield cycle stands are a sound, friendly and affordable bicycle parking solution.
Sheffield Cycle Stand (Ø42mm)
Basic Sheffield cycle stand, designed to sit 800mm above ground level. Bolt down base plate or below ground fix (height 1,100mm of which 300mm is set below ground) options.
Sheffield Cycle Stand (Ø60mm)
A more robust cycle stand, designed to sit 900mm above ground level. Bolt down base plate or below ground fix (height 1,250mm of which 350mm is set below ground) options.
All Sheffield cycle stands are hot dip galvanised to BS EN ISO 1461 as standard and can be subsequently powder coated in various RAL Colours as with all Falco steel cycle parking products.
Mopeds/Scooter Stands
In addition to the Sheffield cycle stand, we now also offer two models specifically designed to accommodate mopeds and scooters as well as cycles. The heavy duty frame supports are manufactured from robust 60mm tubing, with a centre to centre distance of 780mm and have a cross strut added to provide additional security points compared to a Sheffield cycle stand..
Both cycle stands are below ground and surface fix (base plate) options as follows: below ground fix are 1,050mm high of which 300mm is set below ground, whilst the surface fix option is 750mm high.
As with the Sheffield cycle stands, the Moped/Scooter stands are hot dip galvanised as standard and can be powder coated in various RAL colours.
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