FalcoLoop securing loop
Koti Tuotteet Polkupyörien pysäköinti Polkupyörien huolto FalcoLoop securing loop

The FalcoLoop is a simple and effective security solution for three wheeled cargo bikes and self standing motorbikes, mopeds and bicycles.
As the name suggests, the FalcoLoop is a simple and effective securing loop which is pulled from its base to secure a bike and pushed back in again after use. When the FalcoLoop is not in use it sits flush against the ground surface. The FalcoLoop is compact and unobtrusive in design, measuring only 295mm x 295mm.
The FalcoLoop features a recognisable chain logo as standard. It is also possible to change this logo to other distinctive designs to represent a dedicated parking spot for different modes of transport.
The FalcoLoop is manufactured from 100% recyclable hot-dip galvanised steel and can be polyester powder coated in any of the 192 standard RAL colours upon request, to match a corporate colour or theme.
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