FalcoSupp Cycle Leaning Support Rail
Koti Tuotteet Polkupyörien pysäköinti Polkupyörien huolto FalcoSupp Cycle Leaning Support Rail

The FalcoSupp is a convenient and easy to use leaning rail designed to support cyclists at traffic lights and rail crossings.
The simple, yet effective design features two supports, one allowing the cyclist to grasp with their hands and the other with their feet.
The FalcoSupp is an added value product designed to facilitate a cyclists journey and to stimulate the flow of traffic by encouraging the cyclist to remain seated rather than dismounting at key junctions.
The support has a length of 3 meters and can be used by several cyclists at one time. Following research throughout European cycling countries, the FalcoSupp has been designed to deliver excellent ergonomics and a very user-friendly cycling experience.
The Falco Supp is manufactured from robust hot-dip galvanised steel. If required the product can also be powder coated in any of the 192 RAL colours.
The FalcoSupp is 3m long and 1.275m high. The welded footplate is an integral part of the support. The frame is also available for below ground root fix, with welded baseplates or with pre-cast concrete feet.
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